Our Approach

Robust & Reliable IT Solutions


Security starts with careful planning and ongoing maintenance. Through staff training, we help to develop good practises amongst employees. At O21 we continuously monitor industry best practices so we can keep you informed.

Business Continuity

There are numerous reasons for outages, however they can be minimised with good planning, good components, great integration.  At O21 we believe in prevention over cure. However if something does go wrong you can count on our team to be there for you.

Flexibility & Adaptability

We understand that no two businesses are alike, so at O21 we combine standardised service with bespoke and innovative ways to solve issues. Our team is encouraged to keep up to date with the latest and greatest the tech industry has to offer.

Ease Of Use

Easy of use is key to adoption of any process, with extensive research and experience, we provide an excellent combination of products that make everyone’s lives easier.

On Your Terms

From one off jobs, to monthly support packages, we have a pricing mechanism for your business.


Fixed hourly rate, charged in 15 minute intervals


Fixed discounted rates for a number of hours per month (based on your requirements)


Our recommended option for projects, such as migrations

Want to know more?

Office 21 is always ready to take on new and exciting clients, from a one off issue, to full support contracts, we're listening.


Tickets Answered (This Year)


Average Time To Site (Minutes)


Average Remote Ticket Response (Minutes)


Threats Blocked